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GCP Certifications: Google Cloud Platform

Created by Bhupesh sharma in Articles 15 Jun 2024
«The Power of Cloud Technology Future

There are different certifications that are ideal for different level of professionals in GCP. Starting from Associate level to user level certification are available you just need to go for the right certification which is suitable or appropriate for your aspirants. Moreover, having awareness about each certification can help you to choose your career path wisely. The following discussion will help you know all the basic information like target audience, prerequisites, course content etc. about the Google cloud certification.

Types of Google cloud certification

Before exploring each certification individually let us first discuss types of Google cloud certification so that you can decide in which you should make your career in. You will mainly find three levels of certifications which are named as:

1. Associate level certification

2. Professional level certification

3. User level certification

What GCP certifications does Google offer?

Now moving on to individual exams that you will find under each level of certification has been given below. Till now Google offers seven certifications for Google Cloud Platform:

● Associate Cloud Engineer

● Professional Cloud Architect

● Professional Data Engineer

● Professional Cloud Developer

● Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer (beta)

● Professional Cloud Network Engineer

● Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Associate Certifications

Associate Cloud Engineer is currently the only one associate-level certification. This certification is mainly for the candidates who are new to IT field. It will help candidates to improve their knowledge and skills for Google based cloud computing process. This certification is considered for candidates who handle the daily basis maintenance of existing Google Cloud Platform implementations. The exam tests your ability to maintain GCP projects, monitor operations, and deploy applications.

The features of the Associate Google Cloud Certification are given below:

1. The program offered by Google.

2. Period: 6 Months

3. Cost: US$ 125

Professional Certifications

GCP Professional Certifications are role-based and are used to prove that candidate have advanced design and implementation skills. The exams recommend candidates to have practical, hands-on knowledge related to your particular job.

The features of Professional Google Cloud Certification are,

1. If candidate has 3 years or above industry experience then he/she is eligible for this certification program.

2. The certification program requires at least one year of experience in designing and managing solutions using the Google Cloud Platform.

3. Period: Ranges between 2 to 3 years.

4. Cost: US$ 200

There are six professional GCP certifications which are given below (one in beta):

● Professional Cloud Architect

● Professional Data Engineer

● Professional Cloud Developer

● Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer (beta)

● Professional Cloud Network Engineer

● Professional Cloud Security Engineer

 User Certification or G Suite Google Cloud certification

User certification is considered for the candidates who have experience in G suite and determines the ability of candidate to access core collaboration tools and services of Google in cloud computing process. The compulsory requirement of this certification is to have skills including Google Sheets, emails, Google Docs, and other online resources for making effective communication.

The features of User Google Cloud Certification are given below:

Cost: US$200

Period: Ranges between 2 to 3 Years


Now that you know the basic information about all the certification you can wisely choose the certification you want to opt for and make your career in. You can also choose the certification according to your level of experience. All these courses will take you to next level and will help you in completing your dream job. If you are still not sure with the options you can still do the course because it has 2 to 3 years of validation. Rest wish you all the luck for choosing your career wisely and getting for dream job.

Cloud Technology Courses: In-Demand»
Bhupesh sharma

Bhupesh sharma is a network automation and cloud architect and working on various cloud platforms including AWS, GCP, Azure and Oracle etc. He has been associated with one of the largest investment banking company in the world. He has done many complex migrations from traditional data center infrastructures to cloud platforms and also migrated ...

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